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Is Sleep Apnea Related to Depression?

While feelings of sadness and grief are a natural part of life, some people feel them more consistently and deeply than others. When these negative emotions linger for weeks at a time, they may be symptoms of depression. Depression can be the result of a...

Are you struggling with your breathing machine? With that thing called CPAP? Do you find it difficult to keep the mask on? To keep the mask from leaking? Do you get tangled up in the hose at night, or find it hard to adjust...

Have you been diagnosed with sleep apnea or insomnia? Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Many patients, unfortunately, suffer from BOTH of these problems. In my office, we call the combination of insomnia and obstructive sleep apnea the “double whammy!” Insomnia can...

Are you embarrassed about scheduling a weekend getaway because of your sleep apnea or snoring? You’re afraid to share a room with your friends from church because of the ridicule you will get about your snoring? Do you think you’ll scare away a potential life...

Are you tired of messing with your cpap machine? Tired of ordering cpap supplies? Did you know that there is an alternative to cpap that requires no electricity? Read on to find out more about a custom dental device by Dr. Drake. Do you find it...

Being sleepy and tired may be a sign that you have sleep apnea, or suffer from insomnia, or possibly even narcolepsy. How are you to know? What are the signs and symptoms of sleep apnea? Although not all patients exhibit all of these issues, the...

Dr. Drake was recently a guest on Kens 5 morning show, "Great Day SA" with Cristina Blackwell. Interview Transcript Cristina Blackwell: Did you know snoring could be early symptoms of some serious health problems? Neither did I. But thankfully, Dr. Richard Drake, owner of Dr. Drake’s...

Lack of sleep could mean losing your job. Not getting enough sleep can result in a laundry list of negative consequences, including inattention, confusion, memory lapses, depression, headaches, irritability and increases in blood pressure and stress. It can also impair cognitive function, slow response time and...

It’s a scene so familiar that we can all relate to and one that takes places in bedrooms all over the world every night. Two people in bed, one asleep and snoring like a lion; the other, wide awake, and unhappy. Sooner or later, someone is...

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Our Custom Dental Sleep Devices Have a 96% Success Rate!