When you snore at night, you are disrupting your body’s ability to enter a deep state of sleep. This means when you wake up the next morning, you may feel tired and easily irritable. If you or your loved one snores loudly and frequently, it could be a sign of a more serious problem. Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX, could help determine a diagnosis and find the treatment that is right for you. Many patients may benefit from a custom device that helps them breathe better at night and get better rest.
If you snore and experience issues like daytime drowsiness, then you could potentially need treatment for sleep apnea. But how do we know for sure? In addition to our sleep quiz, we could conduct a Home Sleep Test. At our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, we want to make a diagnosis with precision and help you rest with ease!
When you struggle with snoring and often feel exhausted during the day, this could indicate the presence of sleep apnea. With sleep apnea, your sleep is interrupted multiple times a night and you can feel exhausted, and your heart health can be strained too! But at our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, we can offer assistance with a custom dental sleep device, helping you feel more alert and safeguarding your overall health too!
Do you experience common sleep apnea symptoms like chronic snoring or daytime drowsiness? If so, then you should consider taking our simple sleep apnea quiz to see if you may require treatment. With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can obtain the treatment necessary to sleep well!
Are you at risk for sleep apnea? If so, you may need care to avoid snoring and other complications that impact your ability to rest. But you can know when to seek treatment when you know the warning signs and risk factors! With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can find out when you need treatment and how we address your sleep disorder.
When you have trouble sleeping and feel exhausted during the day, this could indicate the potential presence of sleep apnea. Our team can offer a comfortable and convenient treatment with a sleep therapy device. But how do you care for this custom appliance? With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, we can explain how to maintain your custom appliance!
When you have trouble sleeping, or if you feel exhausted and moody during the day, these are often early signs you are not sleeping well. Chronic snoring and sleep apnea could leave you exhausted and even strain your heart health. But what causes such a disorder to develop? With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can learn all about sleep apnea and how to beat it!
If your loved ones have started to bring up their concern over your loud snoring, then it may be time to talk to an expert. This could be a sign of chronic obstructive sleep apnea, which is a common sleep disorder that affects around 30 million people in this country. Even beyond the trouble for your rest, untreated sleep apnea can contribute to serious health concerns, so it is important to find a course of treatment that works for you. An oral appliance could be your solution, so talk to a trusted provides about whether this is right for your smile. With the team of apnea experts at our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can take steps to improve your rest with a simpler, quieter form of treatment. With an appliance-based sleep apnea approach, you have the opportunity to ditch traditional CPAP therapy for something a little more comfortable. This method uses a slim appliance (similar to a mouthguard) to gently reposition your jaw forward, keeping your airway open while you rest. If traditional sleep apnea treatment is simply not for you, talk to our team about an alternative. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
Do you ever wake up suddenly gasping or struggling to breathe? If so, this could be just one indication that you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Without treatment, your sleep could worsen, and this could strain both your immune system and your heart health! Your Schertz, TX, sleep experts explain what can be done to help you rest with ease again, which could include a simple and comfortable CPAP-alternative known as an oral appliance.
When you have issues sleeping at night and feel exhausted during the day, then you may need treatment to enjoy a good night’s rest and feel more rested and alert. We can offer treatment with a custom sleep appliance instead of a CPAP machine! Your Schertz, TX, sleep experts explain how to care and maintain your custom sleep appliance, so you can enjoy a good night’s rest again!