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Good Sleep Hygiene

Create a regular sleep-wake routine Try going to bed at the same time every night Go to bed only if sleepy If not sleepy, engage in a relaxing activity Try to avoid taking daytime naps Turn your bedroom into a place where...

Drowsy driving is risky business. You’d never think about getting behind the wheel after you’ve had too much to drink, yet you get behind the wheel when you are tired and you don’t think twice about it. Driving while sleepy sounds harmless enough. Going about your...

Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired. Sleepy. Fatigued.  When your friend asks, “How are you today?” do you ever respond with any of these words? “A little tired.” “Worn out, man; I didn’t sleep well last night…..” We all frequently use these adjectives as if they mean the same...

Has anyone seen my Libido? Sleep deficiencies are impairing your sex life. This is a difficult topic but one that demands our attention. Johnny Carson once said: “I knew a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up until the...

We have all teased or been teased about someone near to us snoring. “That guy can peel the paint off the walls at night!” Gets a good laugh, but snoring isn’t simple, and it’s not benign. It can be the sign of a serious health...

It’s 2015, and 68% of Americans are overweight. Wow! Ensuring we get enough sleep and rest can be the key to successful weight loss. Studies have shown that people who get frequent, good-quality sleep tend to weigh less than those who lack appropriate shut eye. There...

Facts Over 25 million Americans have sleep apnea [1] 80 to 90% of adults with OSA remain undiagnosed [2,3] Severe sleep disordered breathing is associated with a 3-fold increase in all-cause mortality risk and a 5-fold increase in cardiovascular mortality risk [4]. ...

When you start to fall asleep, your entire body begins to relax. If you suffer from sleep apnea, your upper airways will begin to collapse and result in complete (apnea) or partial (hypopnea) airway closure. When this happens, your brain will awake from deep sleep...

You’ve likely seen some of the statistics on sleep apnea: millions of people have it but 90% of those who have it have not been diagnosed. Sleep apnea patients typically have some of the following signs and symptoms and related co-morbidities. Signs and Symptoms of sleep disordered...

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