What Are The Risk Factors Of Sleep Apnea?

Are you at risk for sleep apnea? If so, you may need care to avoid snoring and other complications that impact your ability to rest. But you can know when to seek treatment when you know the warning signs and risk factors! With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can find out when you need treatment and how we address your sleep disorder.

The Warning Signs of Trouble

What are the common indicators that someone is suffering from sleep apnea? The disorder causes us to stop breathing multiple times in the night, as soft tissues cut off airflow. We breathe again when the brain wakes us, but we rarely remember these episodes. The constant interruptions leave you feeling exhausted the next day, and you could be moody, have issues with your memory, and experience difficulty concentrating on tasks. Chronic snoring is a common warning sign too, as is waking in the night choking or gasping for air. When you encounter these possible symptoms or your significant other alerts you to them, then you should see us right away for a diagnosis and treatment.

The Common Risk Factors

While the disorder can occur in teens and all genders, men 55 and older tend to have an especially high risk. Other possible factors could include a large neck circumference, obesity, sinus and allergy issues, deviated septum, and issues with the growth and development of your jaw and oral structures. Excessive alcohol before bed, resting on your back, and an irregular sleep schedule could also increase your likelihood of developing a sleep disorder. We will ask you about your possible risk factors, or you can try a quiz on our website to assess them.

Starting Your Treatment

If you have high risk factors for sleep apnea, we will send you home with a small device that is worn while you rest at night. The at-home sleep test will record episodes of breathing cessation and your blood pressure, and then a board-certified sleep physician will interpret the results. We can then choose the most appropriate treatment for you. For many, this will consist of an oral appliance. Instead of a CPP machine, we can create a device that is custom-fitted and acts like a mouthguard. Worn at night, the device actually repositions the jaw to keep airways open and free of obstruction. If you have any questions about sleep apnea risk factors, then contact our team today.

Discuss your Possible Risk Factors With Dr. Drake!

Our team wants to help you find the right treatment for your sleep disorder. To learn more about how our team helps you avoid complications of poor rest, or to schedule an appointment, call Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX at (210) 541-9001 today.


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