Oral Device Therapy

How A Custom Dental Sleep Device Can Help You

When you snore at night, you are disrupting your body’s ability to enter a deep state of sleep. This means when you wake up the next morning, you may feel tired and easily irritable. If you or your loved one snores loudly and frequently, it could be a sign of a more serious problem. Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX, could help determine a diagnosis and find the treatment that is right for you. Many patients may benefit from a custom device that helps them breathe better at night and get better rest.

Understanding Your Snoring Problem

Snoring is the harsh sound made when your airways narrow at night. This can happen for various reasons, from congestion caused by allergies to the natural anatomy of your throat and mouth. If you snore infrequently, it may go away on its own and not cause serious concern. However, if you have loud, frequent snoring that disturbs your or another person’s rest, it could be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). When you have OSA, you periodically stop breathing throughout the night. This can be worrisome because you may not be aware it is happening, and it can have severe negative consequences for your overall well-being.

Poor Sleep Can Harm Your Health

Getting a poor night’s rest every once in a while can be frustrating, but it may not have a long-term effect on your health. However, if you are consistently waking up throughout the night or have pauses in your breathing, it can take a serious toll on your physical, mental, and oral health. OSA can lead to dry mouth, increased blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, and other concerning side effects. If you experience these symptoms, it may be time to seek professional treatment. Before scheduling an appointment with us, you can take our risk assessment to determine if you may have OSA.

Your Custom Dental Sleep Device

A custom device can help treat snoring and sleep apnea concerns. These devices, unlike CPAP machines, precisely fit your mouth and specific needs to ensure comfort. A mandibular advancement device is one of the most common treatments, often used to keep your jaw in place and airways open when you rest. We also offer tongue-stabilizing devices to prevent your tongue from blocking your airway. After a consultation with our team, we can help determine which device may be the most effective for your needs. Many patients benefit from combination therapy to treat their sleep disorders.

Schedule An Appointment With Our Team

We can help find a treatment to keep your airways open at night and help you rest better. To learn more about our treatment options for sleep apnea, call Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX, at (210) 541-9001 today.