How To Care For Your Sleep Therapy Device

When you have trouble sleeping and feel exhausted during the day, this could indicate the potential presence of sleep apnea. Our team can offer a comfortable and convenient treatment with a sleep therapy device. But how do you care for this custom appliance? With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, we can explain how to maintain your custom appliance!

Signs You Need Treatment

How do you know if you should see our team for sleep apnea treatment? With the disorder, as you sleep soft tissues in the back of the mouth and in the throat collapse and cut off airflow. You stop breathing, interrupting your slap cycle, for a brief moment. This can happen multiple times a night. Warning signs include snoring, waking up gasping for air or choking, moodiness, and daytime drowsiness. Treatment is essential because otherwise, the disorder could strain your immune system and heart health! When you experience symptoms like these, we hope you reach out to our team for a diagnosis.

Our Sleep Therapy Device

In most cases, we offer a sleep therapy device instead of the more traditional CPAP machine. The device is an oral appliance that will look similar to a mouthguard and fit like one too. But this has been custom-designed to fit your smile and helps gently reposition the jaw and tongue to keep airways open and free of obstruction. You breathe without complication and feel more rested and alert the next day. The oral appliance is effective, but how do we care for and maintain them?

Caring for Your Appliance

You clean your oral appliance every morning with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste. You can clean the appliance thoroughly. Every two weeks or so, consider using denture or orthodontic retainer cleanser. You can also use antibacterial soap to clean your oral appliance. Some are stored wet and others dry, we will give you detailed instructions too. Avoid cleaners with alcohol in them, and keep these out of the reach of pets, as dogs and cats often chew on them. Our team may also recommend an AM bite positioner to use in the morning to keep your bite intact. We can also adjust them as needed to help you avoid snoring and enjoy better sleep.

If you have any questions about our sleep appliances, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you rest without complication and feel more alert during work or school!

Schedule an Appointment With Dr. Drake!

Our team wants to help you maintain a good quality of life by taking on your sleep apnea. To learn more about how we help you sleep easier or to schedule an appointment, call Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX at (210) 541-9001 today.


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