Do you experience common sleep apnea symptoms like chronic snoring or daytime drowsiness? If so, then you should consider taking our simple sleep apnea quiz to see if you may require treatment. With our helpful Schertz, TX, sleep center, you can obtain the treatment necessary to sleep well!
The Causes and Warning Signs of Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea interrupts our breathing at night, as soft tissues collapse and cut off airflow. The brain then wakes us to resume breathing once it registers this sudden drop in oxygen. While we may not recall this happening, it can occur hundreds of times every night. As a result, we feel tired during the day and over time, this could strain our immune system, stress our cardiovascular system, and even impact our memory. Causes could be related to issues like obesity, large neck circumference, sinus and allergy issues, deviated septum, and issues with the growth and development of the jaw and key oral structures. Sleeping on our back, excess alcohol consumption before bed, and a poor sleep schedule could also be factors. You should let us know when you experience symptoms like daytime exhaustion, moodiness, waking in the night choking or gasping for air, or issues with memory or concentration.
The Quiz and Home Sleep Test
When you begin to experience one or more of the symptoms we mentioned above, let us know. With our sleep quiz, we will ask about warning signs and risk factors, and if more than one applies to you, then you likely need a diagnosis. Our team could send you home with a unique device that is worn while you sleep and record apneic episodes and risk factors, so we can decide if you need an oral appliance to rest easier and without interruption.
Oral Appliance Therapy
With the oral appliance, we provide a comfortable alternative to the CPAP machine. We begin by taking detailed digital images and measurements of your smile from multiple angles and then using them to design and custom-fit an oral appliance. The device will look like a mouthguard and fits like one too, and is worn while you sleep. Once in place, this will shift your jaw and tongue to keep airways open and free of obstruction. You breathe without injury, and the device is easy to clean and maintain, and can travel with you too.
If you have any questions about how we stop sleep apnea and snoring, then contact our team today to learn more.
Enjoy Sleep Free of Snoring With Dr. Drake!
We want to help you rest again without complication. To learn more about how our team offers sleep apnea treatment or to schedule an appointment, call Dr. Drake in Schertz, TX at (210) 541-9001 today.